AMD Consulting

Data Classification & Categorization

Data Classification & Categorization

Data Classification is all about categorizing and organizing data for better analysis and decision making. A well-classified data can dramatically improve analytics enabling insights and improvement opportunities such as cost reduction etc.
Data Classification
Standard product/service classification systems include – UNSPSC, eCl@ss, MESC, etc. However, companies can design their own custom classification tailored to specific requirements.
We help companies in selecting and implementing a right classification system, based on their specific business needs. Our AI based tool helps complete this painstaking task faster. Key steps include –
We help companies in selecting and implementing a right classification system, based on their specific business needs. Our AI based tool helps complete this painstaking task faster. Key steps include –
  • Review and validate the quality of data.
  • Select & design a right classification system.
  • Categorize at a granular level – up to 3-6 levels based on client’s specific requirements.
  • Line-item level mapping to global product classification systems (as required)

The classified data is a vital raw material in driving powerful business insights

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