AMD Consulting

Working Capital Optimization

Working Capital Optimization

Working capital optimization is needed to improve company’s daily operations – reduce cost of borrowing, free up cash for investment, and reduce operational bottlenecks caused by the need to meet current liabilities.

It is important for the businesses to critically assess existing working capital situation to continually explore and fix gaps. To do so, an organization needs robust coordination across functions – Sales, Procurement, Stores & Inventory, Production, and Finance/Accounting & Treasury.

We assist companies in evaluating existing working capital situation and providing holistic solution to improve liquidity, increase EBITDA, and make processes efficient. Typical process will follow –

  1. Current state diagnostics – Inventory, Payables, Receivable, and Treasury.
  2. Identify areas of improvement and potential cost savings.
  3. Detailed item level analysis of inventory, payables, and receivables areas.
  4. Connected solution across key functions that aligns with the organizational strategy.
  5. Implement solution, monitor improvement, and drive profitability.
Next step would be to capture value through various interventions – small to large scale, through a wave plan that could include embracing digital into the supply chain.

Increase Profitability, Improve Liquidity and Enhance Business Processes through Working Capital Optimization

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