AMD Consulting

Data Diagnostics

Data Diagnostics

A healthy supply chain is synonymous with healthy data, and many of the process improvement initiatives begin with the data itself. Right from sourcing of goods & services to inventory management, and logistics, quality of data & analytics is immensely critical to value creation – be it cost reduction or risk mitigation.

Every sourcing or spend optimization initiative starts with a detailed Spend Analysis and the first & biggest impediment one typically faces is the
‘Dirty or Unclean Data’

Data Diagnostics
The Data Diagnostics is the first and a paramount step to assess a company’s data quality. Several critical data quality metrics that are important to examine include – data completeness, conformity, accuracy, consistency, duplication, integrity, and relevance. Further, the data diagnostics exercise will provide answers to key questions such as:
  • Existing level of data quality.
  • Key issues with current data quality.
  • Impact of bad data quality on business.
  • Next steps to improve the data quality.
  • Key data governance measures for sustaining good data quality.
We help conduct a comprehensive and multidimensional Data Diagnostics exercise to provide insights into current state of an organization. Key steps include:
  • Identify & understand key business challenges.
  • Import data and analyze to identify gaps.
  • Present findings, recommendations, and next steps to healthy data.

A vital outset towards your Data Quality Excellence Journey

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