AMD Consulting

Logistics & Warehousing

Logistics & Warehousing

The pandemic, trade wars, and severe storms: these are just a few of the disruptions recently churning markets. We can see the impact of these disruption on entire supply chain. Especially, the logistics sector is the one got hit severely and now undergoing fast paced transformation. Our experience of the industry reveals that there is extremely high potential to reduce inefficiencies and bring cost competitiveness.
Logistics & Warehousing
Becoming a leader in logistics and warehousing requires finding the right balance between cost, investment and service levels based on segment need. We help companies build a resilient supply chain by improving their logistics and warehousing operations. A glimpse of various areas we work on –
  • Logistics operations diagnostics and opportunity assessment
  • Logistics & warehousing Strategy build and implementation roadmap
  • Integrating logistics within the business operations
  • Logistics partner/s evaluation and selection
  • Network analysis & optimization
  • Warehouse productivity analysis and process improvements

Empower your business with better logistics practices

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