AMD Consulting

Training Content Design & Development

Training Content Design & Development

While we find several online & offline courses on procurement & supply chain management that are readily available, there always exists a gap in assimilation of such content vis-à-vis practical industry experiences. Hence, it is critical to design the right content that is customized to a specific organization’s needs and working environment, thereby improving overall learning and the training ROI.
Training content design & development

We help organizations with such a solution – identifying relevant course coverage, developing content with relevant internal & external case-studies & examples, instructional design development as well as graphic designing of the learning storyboards & assets. Key activities include –

  1. Training needs analysis.
  2. Developing content tailor made to organization specific needs.
  3. Instructional designing & development (including graphic designs)
  • Analyze – audience profile and specific learning requirements
  • Design – curriculum structure
  • Develop – learning assets (storyboard, PPT, facilitator’s guide, job-aids, assessments etc.
  • Deploy – training components on live audience.
  • Evaluate – learning performance and adjust for future

A complete end-to-end solution for your procurement & supply chain learning requirements

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