AMD Consulting

Supply Chain Diagnostics & Opportunity Assessment

Supply Chain Diagnostics & Opportunity Assessment

High-performing supply chains yield several beneficial outcomes – high customer satisfaction, ability to adjust quickly to external events, a high return on capital for supply chain assets employed and consistent productivity improvements that enable reinvestment back into the business.
At its best, the supply chain function can become a true competitive weapon. At a minimum, the supply chain can aspire to be a business partner that tightly aligns with the business strategy.
  1. How is your supply chain performing against basic operational metrics –
    cost performance, predictability, asset efficiency, agility & flexibility, and perfect order etc.
  2. How well does your supply chain integrate with other parts of the business –
    value leakage, complexity level, end-to-end organizational alignment etc.
  3. Is your supply chain agile enough to quickly respond to changes in external environment – regulatory changes, supply & demand stability, macro environment and ecosystems etc.
Next step would be to capture value through various interventions – small to large scale, through a wave plan that could include embracing digital into the supply chain.

Is Your Supply Chain a True Business Partner?

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