AMD Consulting

Sales & Operations Planning

Sales & Operations Planning

Many organizations routinely struggle to meet customer expected lead times due to lack of visibility into demand, high SKU count, and a challenging supply chain with long lead times. This often results in lost sales due unacceptable service levels and high inventory levels to support sales.S&OP process aligns an organization across all relevant cross functions to optimize operational capacity by balancing demand and supply. When done well, it allows a business to capture operational efficiencies by proactively adjusting capacity to changing forecasts.
Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)
It is challenging to implement S&OP process and more challenging to maintain. It requires very high level of diligence to produce clear and consistent benefits.
We help organizations in implementing & maintaining S&OP process through granular level tracking and management cadence as below to achieve the objectives –
  • Demand Planning & Forecasting Meeting
  • Supply Chain & Ops Planning Meeting
  • Risk treatment (4T model – Terminate, Transfer, Treat, Tolerate)
  • Balancing Meeting (Supply / Demand Meeting)
  • Executive Meeting

S&OP – A critical success factor in today’s highly volatile business world

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