AMD Consulting

Training program based on Coaching & Mentoring model enhanced cross-category learning of procurement team.

An Indian subsidiary of a large multi-national company having a sizable local procurement team engaged us to conduct a coaching & mentoring program for the team. Key objective was to nurture both capacity and capability of procurement professionals through deep learning of applied concepts & frameworks.
Typical challenges involved with the current training model (1-2 day/s) are –
  • Difficulty in assimilation of knowledge from the training content & its delivery.
  • Training content was not decided as per the priorities of company as well as maturity of the team.
  • Lack of application as the team can not relate the frameworks/concepts in their real-life situation.
The program was designed to be delivered over 6 weeks that covered various important topics of procurement including strategic sourcing, advanced negotiations, cost modeling, risk management, supplier performance management, and category management, etc. The program consisted of –
  • Need Assessment Discussion with each participant to identify focus areas using both individual aspirations as well as organizational KRAs.
  • Training High level training covering the selected modules, concepts including global case studies and best practices.
  • Coaching & Mentoring Specific coaching/mentoring sessions delivered in small batches working closely with individuals preferebly on live/planned sourcing projects.

Over 20 company-specific live projects were discussed & various insights generated on how the best in class approaches could be applied into those projects.

Key outcome of this exercise included –

  • Highly interactive and engaging sessions since each of the participants could directly relate to the projects and case studies.
  • Easy pace learning with deeper conversations that facilitated a balance between participants’ day-to-day work demands and learning & development.
  • Discussion on live projects allowed the participants to – Gain useful insights on the past projects, possible course correction in the ongoing projects, and ability to apply earnings on the upcoming projects.
  • Widened company view for the participants since they would otherwise hardly come together and discuss projects in this fashion due to typical siloed category management structure.
  • Faster and holistic cross category learning.
Nurture your team’s strength through continual coaching & mentoring to bridge the skill gap

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